Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Come to This....

I have a problem. Well, actually I have SEVERAL,but the one in particular I have chosen to blog about here is my weight. :) Can you relate? I'm not the heaviest person I know, nor am I the thinnest... and I sure am not the healthiest, either. But I got a wake-up call the other day at the doctor's office where she brought to light a very good point: I AM NOT TAKING CARE OF MYSELF. I think the best choice of words here would be that I'm NEGLECTING myself, and if you are a mom and a wife in addition to being a daughter, friend, employee, volunteer, etc., you probably are too.

Life has not always been this crazy, right? I look at pictures of a young girl I used to know who looks NOTHING like the reflection I see staring back at me from the mirror. Where has SHE gone? Did she leave a forwarding address? Is she in some kind of winess protection program? Well, I'm on the hunt to bring her back...all "Dog the Bounty Hunter" style. Without the mullet of course. :)

Trying to motivate myself in a new way, I decided I would blog about my weight loss and journey to health on the world wide web. And since it's resolution time again (and 30 months until my 40th birthday), I thought this would be an excellent way to hold myself accountable, and a fun, if not laughable, way to chart my progress. Yep. Emphasis on the laughable part. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, myself. But it's too late now, I guess. So I push forward...

So, it's come to this, I guess. MY blog on losing weight and going from fat to fabulous before forty. Do you want to come along with me for the ride? I may need some motivation along the way. I'm no expert on diet or nutrition, by any means, but I intend to share what works and what doesn't work for me by trial and error. I've consulted a doctor (disclaimer... you probably should too before you decide to start any type of diet or exercise regime) so I'm not doing this blindly and without guidance. There. It's official. Stay tuned for the next post: The "Before"....