Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dang That Wagon!!!

Two weekends ago, Hubby and I left for a wonderful visit to Mobile. Needless to say, ALL DIETS WERE OFF! I didn't do too bad with the fresh seafood and such, but I DID have desserts and french toast and... well you get the point.

Fast forward to coming home and, well, I've been "slipping" here and there. White potatoes, white rice, Valentine cookies... WHY does all the bad stuff taste so GOOD?! After avoiding the scale like the H1N1, I reluctantly hopped up there yesterday morning and was pleasantly surprised: 160 lbs! Granted, that was first thing in the morning, naked as a jay bird (TMI, I'm sure), but I was expecting a lot worse. This morning I have already had my "breakfast" of a South Beach breakfast bar (cinnamon and raisin, my FAVE) and a diet coke, but somehow I couldn't resist a chocolate chip cookie (ALRIGHT, it was TWO!) that were glaring at me from the stove where Hubby had made them last night. Trying to combat an all-out binge, I made 8 cups of amaretto flavored coffee (laced with Equal), in hopes to keep myself from the rest of those delectable little bits of chocolaty goodness. And if I get hopped up enough from the caffeine to exercise, all the better. I'm not getting my hopes up, though. There's a closet that is SCREAMING to be cleaned out today... Hey, that counts as exercise, right?! ;)

I've said it before, but I'm a firm believer that it doesn't matter how many times you fall off the wagon, the most important thing is making sure you get back on. Hold my java while I hoist up, will ya?! After all, I promised my husband a bikini in my future. Let's hope there's a coffee bar on this wagon. I'll need it to go with the crazy flakes I was eating when I made him the promise in the first place! Happy Humpday everyone!! And here's to being "back on!"

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